Cloud Cyber Security: How to Secure Your Cloud Data

DIGIGUARD can speak to your group about data security in cloud storage and applications. Migrating data and functions to the cloud come with a variety of risks and benefits for SMBs. Our consultants will discuss how cloud functions can meet the unique needs of your industry, what the inherent security risks are and steps businesses can take to keep data as safe as possible. We will share case studies and industry examples of options and pitfalls. We will customize the presentation for your group and can address these topics and more:

Cloud Network Security: Benefits of Cloud Computing

DIGIGUARD will present the inherent benefits of cloud data storage and services. Cloud service providers have sophisticated equipment capable of handling the data for hundreds or thousands of clients around the world. Security is maintained by highly skilled and experienced staff. During the presentation, your group will learn that improved data security is one consideration, but there are other benefits such as:

Risks of Cloud Computing

DIGIGUARD will share the considerations and failures encountered by cybersecurity experts in the cloud environment. Business owners often feel that they lose control when storage moves off-site. The causes of failures and outages vary, but human error still poses the most significant risk in the cloud. Our consultants can discuss the difficult lessons learned and potential gaps and risks in cloud cybersecurity, including:

Cloud Data Security Training

DIGIGUARD training presentations will help your group understand all the steps involved in migrating to cloud services. Our experts arm you with the information you need to make informed decisions and understand any additional costs and steps involved. The first step for organizations is to create rigorous data and equipment asset mapping. Mapping is critical to understand the scope and protection requirements needed. Your company will need to produce the following information before migration:

Many data security protection measures may already be in place at your business and will easily translate to cloud storage. Migrating to cloud services can offer workflow improvements and savings for SMBs. DIGIGUARD presentations can help your employees or professional association group make informed and safe decisions to ensure secure cloud data transmission, use and storage. Contact us today to learn more about guest speaker services, training sessions and cybersecurity workshops.