Cyber Security Incident Report Services

DIGIGUARD can manage incident reporting and notification requirements for your business following a cybersecurity event. Breach notification planning is an essential part of a cyber risk management program. Incident reporting and notification is an important part of data security compliance. Correctly adhering to the reporting requirements may help your SMB avoid additional penalties and scrutiny. Our services include:

Industry-Specific Data Breach Requirements

Reporting requirements and procedures vary for specific industries and event types. DIGIGUARD can investigate and verify the nature and scope of data compromise and help your business adhere to and comply with technical reporting and notification requirements for financial, healthcare and other heavily regulated industries. Some of the typical industry reporting regulations and requirements apply if your business:

Cyber Incident Response and Breach Report

DIGIGUARD can manage the entire incident response and handling life-cycle for your SMB. There are many types of cyber security incidents, and your business may have to deal with more than one at a time. Our team provides incident response, crisis management, analysis, remediation and reporting for cyber incidents. Our cybersecurity experts can help with the following types of digital security attacks and incident reporting requirements:

Data Breach Notification Deadlines

DIGIGUARD can provide timely breach notification to regulators. Our consultants research and understand the rules that apply to your incident to establish breach notification policies and procedures. Entities to be notified may include individual victims, media and regulators. Notification may need to occur within a certain number of days of suspicion or confirmation of a breach. Modification may be requested on your behalf for law enforcement investigation needs. Reporting details vary and may include the following items:

Incident Recovery and Data Breach Laws

DIGIGUARD will prepare an executive summary and report of the incident response overview and technical details. We can assess your current cyber security and make recommendations for additional layers of protection and employee training to reduce cyber risk for your SMB. We will review and update your company incident response plan to include lessons learned from the attack and response and can refer you to industry cyber liability specialists for additional assistance.

Contact DIGIGUARD today for cyber incident investigation, notification and reporting services.