Security Configuration Assessment

Configuration refers to security measures put in place when building and installing computers and IT network devices. These measures are designed to reduce your company’s vulnerabilities and increase cybersecurity protection. System misconfigurations put your organization at an increased risk for breaches and data loss or compromise. DIGIGUARD cybersecurity experts will assess and harden your system security configurations. Addressing these gaps will help your company improve:

Advanced Scanning

Configuration assessments are a comprehensive method for small businesses to understand network vulnerabilities. DIGIGUARD expert consultants will scan and verify that all your systems are properly and securely configured. We will highlight areas of concern, and assess vulnerable areas that may have been overlooked. We will discover what patches have been applied. We will scan configurations for all IT assets including those in the cloud, on mobile devices and on-premise. Our consultants will assess configurations for a range of platforms including:

Identify and Prioritize Assets

DIGIGUARD’s configuration assessment identifies and maps all of your digital assets and prioritizes their value and critical necessity to your company. Having a highly qualified cybersecurity expert conduct an independent assessment of your system configuration will protect your data assets and help you make informed cost/benefit decisions about which misconfigurations should be addressed first. New equipment may not be necessary. Modifying and updating your existing equipment is often possible. Our team will analyze the assessment results and make detailed recommendations designed to bring your configuration up to current cybersecurity standards.

Risk Classification

Our consultants will gather information to help them classify and understand the nature of your business, the regulatory and compliance requirements under which you operate, the equipment your employees use and how and where they use it. We then measure your requirements against small business industry model standards for security configuration. Assessment results provide you with a firm understanding of your configuration strengths and weaknesses. Audit scan results and remediation action plans can help your business prove compliance for data protection. Vendors and contractual partners are increasingly requiring audit report proof of data asset protection.

Security Remediation

Small business owners do all they can to keep their data protected, but often lack the expertise to manage all aspects of cybersecurity protection. The security configuration of your IT system requires regular maintenance. Changes, patches and updates are necessary to keep pace with your changing business’s functions, systems and services. Any change to your system will impact security configuration and system security. Managing this process is critical for the protection of your digital data assets. Configuration management is essential for daily business operations, during data breach recovery operations and when resuming normal operations after cyberattacks. Comprehensive recommendations for remediation will include elements from all of these systems:

Contact DIGIGUARD to discuss scheduling yearly, quarterly or monthly security configuration assessments. Protect your data from external threats.