Cyber Security Risks – What Is A Vulnerability In Cyber Security?

Summary: This brief article discusses cyber security threats and vulnerabilities. Learn about cyber risks and how to mitigate them. If you have additional questions about cyberattacks, contact DIGIGUARD CYBER SECURITY at 833-33-CYBER (833-332-9237) or visit to learn more about cyber risk management.

Cyber security has never been more crucial. Hackers continue to thrive, finding new ways to attack users and their computer systems. However, before one can have a fruitful discussion about cyber perils, it is essential to understand the relevant terminology. Unfortunately, many people use the terms risk, threat and vulnerability as if they mean the same thing. They don’t. Hopefully, this blog will set you straight, exploring the critical differences among these elements, as well as how to manage them and keep your computer system secure.

Cyber Security Threats

A threat is any potentially dangerous event that capitalizes on vulnerabilities and harms a computer system, a company or an individual user. There are two main types of threats:

Cyber Vulnerabilities

Vulnerabilities are weaknesses. Cyberthieves are always looking for vulnerabilities in networks, applications and operating systems that will enable them to breach computer systems and access data. Hackers search for vulnerable access points, outdated software (missing security updates), unencrypted files, weak passwords and human error caused by insufficient training and poor enforcement of cyber security best practices.

Cyber Risks

Risks refer to the likelihood and scale of any threats to your computer systems or data. Each threat has its own consequences. Consequences can include data breaches, financial losses, legal issues, operational hacks and damage to a company or individual’s reputation. It is vital for SMBs to apply cyber risk management to understand potential risks and prioritize them by their magnitude. Risk management also allows small businesses to prioritize and budget for their organization’s cyber security requirements. Also, companies can create informed contingency plans and mitigate risks by knowing the threats, vulnerabilities and risks in advance.

What Is Cyber Threat Intelligence?

According to Wikipedia (, “Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) is knowledge, skills and experience-based information concerning the occurrence and assessment of both cyber and physical threats and threat actors that is intended to help mitigate potential attacks and harmful events occurring in cyberspace. Cyber threat intelligence sources include open source intelligence, social media intelligence, human intelligence, technical intelligence, device log files, forensically acquired data or intelligence from the internet traffic and data derived from the deep and dark web.” IT experts use cyber threat intelligence to perform a cyber risk analysis. These analyses allow SMBs to make informed assessments about potential threats and the likelihood of them leading to cyberattacks.

Cyber Risk Management

To manage threats, vulnerabilities and risks, SMBs can take the following steps to improve their overall cyber security:

Cybercrime is not going away. Every day, hackers get better and better at breaching corporate data. It is up to SMBs to invest in robust cyber security before falling victim to a devasting cyberattack that could incapacitate or bankrupt them.