What Should a Company Do After a Data Breach?

Summary: Learn why you should plan the actions your company can take in response to a data breach ahead of time. Also, find out how to create a cyber incident response team and what your data breach reporting requirements are. If you are uncertain how to proceed, consider enlisting the help of professional cyber incident response services.

Remote access work expanded to unprecedented levels after the pandemic. With that change in the work model, cybercrime has risen by over 400 percent. Having a workforce spread out in different locations has made cyber security more challenging because any device that accesses your network is potentially a vulnerable endpoint through which hackers can launch a cyberattack. Unfortunately, you will likely face a data breach sooner or later. Knowing what your company should do after a data breach can help save money and shorten recovery time.

But doing nothing to protect your computer system until it is hacked is not the way to go.

All businesses, large or small, must create an incident response plan before they fall victim to a cyberattack. By pre-planning how you will respond to a breach, you will have a better chance of mitigating your SMB’s damages and exposure in the wake of an attack. By codifying the steps to be taken after a confirmed cyberattack and assigning roles to appropriate employees, you might even be able to stop a data breach. Your cyber security incident response team should be trained and prepared for an attack. Several actions should be immediately triggered after a suspected breach:

Creating a Cyber Security Incident Response Team and a Robust Plan

Your SMB might not have the budget for in-house IT experts. However, you can assign the specific steps that should be taken after an attack to specific employees, making those employees part of your cyber incident response team. If they are trained to execute specific tasks in a particular order, your company will be better prepared to deal with the aftermath of a breach.

The broad categories of an Incident Response Plan include (in order):

A cyber security incident response team with a plan will eliminate much of the chaos and panic that can begin when a cyberattack is identified. The takeaway is, “Prepare for the worst!” It’s your best approach to reduce the impact of cyber attacks and make recovery possible.